Why Choose Avlaki, Corfu?


Corfu enjoys a long summer, with temperatures that can at times reach 40 degrees Celsius, though this is unusual and occurs for only a few days now and then. Summer temperatures are usually in the thirties, with cooler nights.. On the whole the summer is hot and sunny, with a prevailing northwest wind that cools the Avlaki area especially, and provides great sailing and windsurfing from the local bays. Due in part to this wind, the Avlaki area is slightly drier, and certainly less humid, than other parts of the island.

Winter abounds in gloriously mild, sunny days, when the views of the snow-covered mountains of Albania are out of this world. Yes it does rain, and often it rains hard, but never for too long.

Communications and Amenities

Only 600 metres from the properties is the wonderful beach of Avlaki, with two excellent tavernas serving imaginative local dishes and fresh fish caught in the waters offshore.

Just 2 kms away across the headland is the harbour of St. Stephano, where boats may be hired and private boats moored safely. There are four great tavernas here, with tables right at the water's edge, a couple of friendly and fairly dignified bars, and two wonderful village shops, open every day, and selling everything: fresh bread, fruit and vegetables, local honey, all the usual foodstuffs including the imported items that seem to be indispensable to visitors! English newspapers are also on sale, many of them now published daily in Greece. Here too are public phones, fax, internet and money exchange facilities.

The popular resort of Kassiopi is 2 kms away in the other direction. Bigger than St Stephano, it is noted for its lively nightlife, that greatly appeals to British teenagers! Kassiopi has a good selection of shops of all kinds, supermarkets, butchers, chemists and doctors, plus all the Internet, fax, phone and money exchange services you may need.

Kassiopi has a number of restaurants ranging from fast food establishments to more sophisticated restaurants. The harbour is pretty and interesting.

The main road between Corfu town and Kassiopi lies about 2kms from the properties, and the island's beautiful Venetian town, with its wonderful shops and restaurants and elegant café life, is only one hour's drive away. Here too is the busy port connecting Corfu with Italy and mainland Greece; and the international airport, with local connections to Athens and other parts of Greece daily all year round, and international flights all summer long. Recently established flight services now connect Corfu with the other Ionian islands, and a new seaplane service links Corfu and Paxos quickly and easily. Corfu can be reached via Italy all year round, by car and ferry, or by making use of one of the cheap air carriers to Venice or southern Italy, with a ferry on to Corfu.

Albania is just a short boat ride away across the Corfu Channel. Within easy reach is the magnificent archaeological site of Butrint, and the opportunity to see it while it is still being excavated should not be missed.

Opportunities for Sport

Corfu is home to a renowned 18-hole golf course, set in an idyllic valley right in the centre of the island, only an hour from Avlaki.

Tennis courts can be hired in Kassiopi and Acharavi, while there are two tennis clubs in the town of Corfu.

In Corfu town, there are two sailing clubs that regularly organize regattas and races. Gouvia Marina is the largest marina on the island, and the biggest in the Ionian Islands; it is operated by the Greek I.K.G. Company. There is also a small marina at Kassiopi.

Corfu has a long cricket-playing tradition, and while it is rarely played now on the historic pitch opposite the Old Fort of Corfu, cricket clubs meet and play regularly at the Gouvia Marina.

Horse-riding and trekking stables exist in several parts of the island.

A great variety of water sports is available throughout the summer, amongst them scuba diving, paragliding, waterskiing, and of course windsurfing, which, in winter, becomes the exhilarating favourite of hardier souls, willing to pit their skills against the often wild seas of the north coasts.

Winter is the best time for walking, for which there are many spectacular opportunities, for all grades of walkers.

With the quieter roads of the off-season, cycling and mountain-biking come into their own.

Several publications list itineraries for walking and biking, especially one covering The Corfu Trail.

A Friendly Welcome

The inhabitants of Corfu are friendly, quick-witted people with a strong sense of humour. They are used to foreign visitors, and they give them an unequalled welcome. Everywhere you go, people are quick to advise and help. Although crime is not totally unknown on the island, it almost never involves the visitors, certainly not those setting up home here. There is complete safety in walking and wandering about this enchanted island, and children can safely be allowed to play and visit the neighbours.

What else should I know?

Health Care

There is a State Hospital in Corfu and also several private clinics. Should more specialized attention be needed, there is an exceptionally fine State Hospital in Ioannina, a short drive away. EU reciprocal arrangements apply in Greece.

Bringing Pets

Bringing pets from one EU country to another no longer presents a problem. Animals should be micro chipped, and in possession of current health certificates and passport.

Staff Cleaners, Cooks, Gardeners

Staff of all kinds are readily available in Corfu, many of them English-speaking.

What is available locally for furnishing and equipping your new home?

Corfu is very well-equipped with home furnishing shops, offering a wide range of styles. While furnishings and equipment can of course be shipped over from abroad without difficulty, it is wise to see what is available on the island, or on the mainland, just a short trip away. Prices are, on the whole, very competitive.

Avlaki, Corfu Corfu Map Avlaki Map Beach